【02: サブホストの設定方法( vaddhostコマンド )】

ユーザ追加については、 01:ユーザ追加をご参照ください。
管理ユーザIDをサブホスト管理IDに指定しますと、メインアカウントのドキュメントルートが正しく表示されなくなりますので、必ず サブホスト専用のユーザを追加設定 して頂く必要があります。

16) ドメイン管理者とサブホストの設定
% vaddhost
↑Telnet(SSH)接続をし、 ルート権限 で、以下のコマンドをご利用ください。

-- --
-- H O S T N A M E S --
-- --
-- Please enter the hostnames (e.g., foo.com) you wish to associate with --
-- this virtual host entry. --
-- --
-- We suggest you enter the primary domain first, followed by the 'www' --
-- cname (i.e., www.foo.com). These should be followed by any other --
-- domains that also point to this virtual host (e.g., foo.net and --
-- foo.org may simply be aliases for foo.com; those domains should also --
-- be entered here). --
-- --
-- You may enter only one domain per line. Valid domain names consist of --
-- any alphabetic character (a-z), digit (0-9), hyphens (-), and periods --
-- (.). --
Enter hostnames (one per line). When done, hit <Enter>

Hostname: savacan.jp <Enter>

(Hostname 'savacan.jp' accepted)

Enter hostnames (one per line). When done, hit <Enter>.
Hostname: <Enter>
↑設定完了の最後は何も入力せずに <Enter> で進みます

== ==
== Please verify the following information ==
== ==


Is the information correct? [y]: y <Enter>

-- --
-- U S E R A S S O C I A T I O N --
-- --
-- Please select a user account to associate this virtual host with. --
-- --
-- In order for the web sites you host on your system to function --
-- securely and independently from the other web sites you may be --
-- hosting, each virtual host you add must be associated with a user --
-- account on your system. --
-- --
-- You may select an existing user below, or you may choose to add a new --
-- user (exit vaddhost by typing Ctrl-C, then run 'vadduser'). If you do --
-- not associate the virtual host (which you are about to add) with a --
-- particular user, it will be associated with the system 'vhost' user. --
-- --
-- If the 'vhost' user does not exist, enter 'vhost' anyway and the --
-- 'vhost' user will be created for you (you will be prompted for a new --
-- FTP password, which you should remember or write down in a safe --
-- place). --
-- --
-- For security reasons, you may not associate 'root' or any other --
-- privileged users with this virtual host. --
Enter username (or <Enter> for a list of users): <Enter>
↑<Enter> で現在設定されているユーザが表示されます。

savacan    test

Enter username (or <Enter> for a list of users): savacan <Enter>

All hostnames (virtual hosts) you enter below will be associated with
this 'savacan' account.

== ==
== Please verify the following information ==
== ==


Is the information correct? [y]: y <Enter>
 修正する場合は n を入力し戻ります。

-- --
-- S S L V I R T U A L H O S T --
-- --
-- If you plan on serving secure content for this virtual host, you may --
-- now enable SSL for this virtual host, allowing it to serve web pages --
-- and accept form submissions over an encrypted link. --
Would you like to enable SSL for this host? [n]: n<Enter>

-- --
-- A D M I N I S T R A T O R E M A I L --
-- --
-- Please enter the email address of the administrator for this virtual --
-- host (e.g., webmaster@domain.com). This person is responsible for the --
-- site content this virtual host. --

The administrator email address should contain only alphanumeric
characters (a-z, 0-9), hyphens (-), underscores (_), and periods (.)
followed by an at sign (@) and then a domain name.

Hit <Return> to accept the default value.

Administrator email address [webmaster@savacan.jp]: <Enter>

== ==
== Please verify the following information ==
== ==


Is the information correct? [y]: y <Enter>
 修正する場合は n を入力し戻ります。

-- --
-- D O C U M E N T R O O T --
-- --
-- Please enter the document root for this virtual host. The document --
-- root is the full path (beginning with '/') where your web site content --
-- (i.e., web pages) will be stored and served from. --
-- --
-- For example, if the 'foo.com' virtual host is associated with user --
-- 'joe', the document root might be: --
-- --
-- /home/joe/www/foo.com --
-- --
-- It is recommended to accept the default value because secure directory --
-- permission and ownership settings are made automatically. Selecting --
-- a path *other* than the default path means you will need to perform --
-- the following steps (as root) in order to secure that directory --
-- hierarchy: --
-- --
-- 1) chmod 0750 /path/to/www --
-- --
-- where 'www' is one directory above the document root (but which is not --
-- a user's home directory). This setting disallows all users on your --
-- system from viewing contents of your web directory hierarchy (except --
-- the 'www' Apache user). --
-- --
-- 2) chown <username>:www /path/to/www --
-- --
-- where <username> is the user you have selected to associate with this --
-- virtual host. These settings allow the Apache user ('www') to serve --
-- web content from this directory hierarchy. --
-- --
-- Hit <Return> to accept the default value (recommended). --
Document root [/home/savacan/www/savacan.jp]: <Enter>

'/home/savacan/www' directory created
'/home/savacan/www/savacan.jp' directory created
== ==
== Please verify the following information ==
== ==


Is the information correct? [y]: y <Enter>
 修正する場合は n を入力し戻ります。

-- --
-- T R A N S F E R L O G --
-- --
-- Please select a location for your transfer logs for this virtual host. --
-- Transfer logs record HTTP traffic to your host, including file --
-- requests and other data. --
-- --
-- For security reasons, Apache logs should never be placed in a directory --
-- writable by anyone other than root. Placing logs in a directory writable --
-- by a regular user may lead to elevated privileges for that user. --
-- --
-- Because Apache opens its log files with root permissions, putting them --
-- in a directory writable by a non-root user can compromise your --
-- system's security. If you are uncertain about where to keep users log --
-- files, select the default location (which will keep them in a location --
-- where the user can read them but cannot write to them). --
-- --
-- Please see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/logs.html for more details on --
-- selecting locations for log files. --
-- --
-- Hit <Return> to accept the default value. --

Please select one of the following transfer log options for this
virtual host. If you specify a custom path, it is strongly recommended
NOT to place the logs in any location that the user can write to them.

1) no transfer log
2) log to server transfer log
3) log to combined virtual host log
4) log to separate virtual host log

Please select a logging option [4]: 4 <Enter>
  1) - アクセスログを保存しません
  2) - メインホストのログファイルにあわせて記録します
  3) - /usr/local/apache2/logs/savacan/access_log
  4) - /usr/local/apache2/logs/savacan/subhost.jp-access_log


-- --
-- E R R O R L O G --
-- --
-- Please select a location for your error logs for this virtual host. --
-- Error logs record HTTP traffic errors to your host, including file --
-- requests and other data as well as any output sent to stderr (program --
-- failures, etc.) --
-- --
-- For security reasons, Apache logs should never be placed in a directory --
-- writable by anyone other than root. Placing logs in a directory writable --
-- by a regular user may lead to elevated privileges for that user. --
-- --
-- Because Apache opens its log files with root permissions, putting them --
-- in a directory writable by a non-root user can compromise your --
-- system's security. If you are uncertain about where to keep users log --
-- files, select the default location (which will keep them in a location --
-- where the user can read them but cannot write to them). --
-- --
-- Please see http://httpd.apache.org/docs/logs.html for more details on --
-- selecting locations for log files. --
-- --
-- Hit <Return> to accept the default value. --

Please select one of the following error log options for this virtual
host. If you specify a custom path, it is strongly recommended NOT to
place the logs in any location that the user can write to them.

1) no error log
2) log to server error log
3) log to combined virtual host error log
4) log to separate virtual host error log

Please select a logging option [4]: 4 <Enter>
  1) - エラーログを保存しません
  2) - メインホストのログファイルにあわせて記録します
  3) - /usr/local/apache2/logs/savacan/error_log
  4) - /usr/local/apache2/logs/savacan/subhost.jp-error_log


== ==
== Please verify the following information ==
== ==

(separate virtual host error log)

Is the information correct? [y]: y <Enter>
 修正する場合は n を入力し戻ります。

-- --
-- C G I - B I N A C C E S S --
-- --
-- Please select an option below for CGI execution for this virtual host. --
-- CGI is a means whereby the Apache web server will execute commands --
-- (i.e., programs on the web server) on behalf of the web client. --
-- --
-- Hit <Return> to accept the default value. --

Please select one of the following cgi-bin paths for this virtual

1) no CGI access
2) use server cgi-bin
3) use server cgi-bin and virtual host cgi-local
4) use virtual host cgi-bin

Please select a cgi-bin option [4]: 4 <Enter>
  1) - 設定しているサブホストにCGIの利用を許可しません
  2) - メインホストのcgi-binディレクトリ
  3) - メインホストのcgi-binディレクトリとサブホスト領域内のcgi-localディレクトリ
  4) - サブホスト領域内のcgi-binディレクトリ


/home/savacan/www/cgi-bin directory created
== ==
== Please verify the following information ==
== ==

(use virtual host cgi-bin)

Is the information correct? [y]: y <Enter>
 修正する場合は n を入力し戻ります。

== ==
== C O N F I R M ==
== ==
== Please confirm the following virtual host entry ==
== ==

## vaddhost: (savacan.jp) at
SuexecUserGroup savacan savacan
ServerName savacan.jp
ServerAdmin webmaster@savacan.jp
DocumentRoot /home/savacan/www/savacan.jp
ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/home/savacan/www/cgi-bin/"
<Directory /home/savacan/www/cgi-bin>
AllowOverride None
Options ExecCGI
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
CustomLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/savacan/savacan.jp-access_log combined
ErrorLog /usr/local/apache2/logs/savacan/savacan.jp-error_log

Create the preceding virtual host entry? [y]: y

Restart Apache now? [y]: y <Enter>
y を入力して再起動を行ってください。

Syntax OK

== ==
== New virtual host entry successfully ==
== written to Apache configuration file ==
== ==
